Valentine hearts?

Christmas stocking for my cardiologist husband.  (Pattern specifics for both hearts and stocking are at the end of this post)

I did not get this stocking made in time to hang it on the mantel for Christmas. Does having it done by Valentine’s Day count for anything? This was the project I worked on during “Snowzilla” – 24 inches of snow in DC. (It kind of felt like Christmas!)

I marked the sewing lines on all of these squares.

I sewed across all 3 corners without removing from the machine - just pivoted.

I sewed across all 3 corners without removing from the machine – just pivoted.

Chain piecing made the project go faster.

The finished hearts are very boxy until you sew them together which produces the more rounded looking hearts.


Voila! I now have 2 stockings made. These happen to be for the oldest and youngest members of my family. 5 more to go. Maybe there will be another snow storm!?!

The heart directions are from a mini quilt tutorial by Jera of Quilting in the Rain.

The Christmas Stocking pattern by Fons and Porter can be found here. They are a great size – almost 2 feet long!


Filed under Christmas Stockings, Family, Uncategorized

13 responses to “Valentine hearts?

  1. Wow, Linda. That is really impressive. Jim should love it!

  2. Lindsey

    You did the James stockings first. Are you going in alphabetical order?

  3. Connie

    Your stockings are BEAUTIFUL…..

  4. Debbie Lamb

    I just love them both. What a fabulous tradition.

  5. Sharon Hankins

    I finally got all my family stockings finished this year! Now you show me some really cuter ones. Oh my! What shall I do? Love them both!

  6. Aww, how sweet! The hearts are very nicely shaped and proportional for all-straight-line sewing. I LOVE your husband stocking!

  7. Donna Jacobs

    Another snow storm coming- does that mean that stocking #3 is in the making? Just adorable.

  8. fran

    Great pictures to aid in the sewing of the hearts. I am on my way to do this. thanks, fran

  9. Nancy

    Really cute, Linda. I can only say, you picked a great pattern to start a new tradition: hang a stocking for Valentine’s Day, fill with chocolate!

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