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What was I thinking when I named my blog! I obviously thought that as a new retiree I was going to have all the time in the world to do whatever I please (and write about it!) My love of sewing does joyfully fill a lot of my time, but honestly, there is never enough of it!

I am the President of a traditional quilt guild in the Washington DC area, Needlechasers of Chevy Chase and a member of the DC Modern Quilt Guild. I truly love being part of both groups. The sharing of ideas and projects is so inspiring.

I have recently started teaching beginning sewing to adults using Shea Henderson’s book “School of Sewing”. It is such a pleasure to teach something that I love so much. I teach at the Finch Sewing Studio is Leesburg, VA where I have had to learn how to use their beautiful new Bernina sewing machines. I have sewn on a Bernina 1230 for the past 25 years and never thought I would want another machine. However, I have updated to a Bernina 770QE and my old 1230 is only being used when I sew away from home.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!




2 responses to “About

  1. Isn’t retirement great! I’m loving having the time to do things that I’ve thought about for years.

  2. Oh my goodness, I felt like I was reading about me! I just discovered your blog while doing a search for the Moneta dress.

    I too am a former R.N.. My dh and I have three daughters and I sewed for them as much as I could, loving every minute of it. And much of my sewing is now quilting, though I do have grand-babes to sew for now!

    I love my Bernina sewing machine and my Juki (who makes Bernina sergers) serger.

    I will be popping in again!



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