Alabama Chanin style T shirt

I’m kicking off “Me Made May” with a bang. I have totally hand sewn a T-shirt! I bought this organic cotton fabric from Alabama Chanin and it is dreamy.

I’m wearing it here with a skirt I made years ago. The pattern is the Everyday Skirt from oliver & s. It is an easy sew and I love the pockets!


To make the top, I traced around a favorite T shirt that I owned. I used a folded knit band to finish the neckline and sewed it down with a decorative stitch incorporating small little chop beads as I went.

I hemmed the bottom of the shirt and the sleeves using another decorative stretch stitch found in the book Alabama Studio Sewing + Design.

All of the seams were hand sewn using a regular running stitch and then felled to one side also with a running stitch.

Practice samples

Fun beads and sequins from Alabama Chanin


I made this shirt specifically to wear with the Alabama Chanin skirt I am currently sewing. I guess I had better get going on that!


1 of 4 skirt panels. This is a double layer of knit that has been stenciled and then “quilted” together and the top cut away to expose the underneath layer.

Notes to self (or anyone else who’s interested):

  1. I used 2 layers of cotton knit on the front of this shirt and only one layer for the back and sleeves. I thought I might do some reverse appliqué on the front but put the bottom layer of knit with the right side towards the inside of the shirt. I could probably still cut and expose the layer with the wrong side showing, but it would bother me. Next time put both right sides facing the same way as I did with the skirt.
  2. I found the directions for Creating Mitered Binding for a V-neck in the book Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns on page 22.
  3. Directions for garment construction and the stretch stitches are in all of the books.Alabama Studio Sewing + Design has them on pages 24 – 27.
  4. Same book (as#3) has a page of pretty circular stitches  – Pg. 81  These are used for a beautiful skirt on page 101 of the Alabama Studio Style book.



Filed under Garment sewing, Uncategorized

10 responses to “Alabama Chanin style T shirt

  1. I am so impressed! Its beautiful. I love the decorative stitch details. The skirt is also going to be a work of art.

    • Thanks Nita. It is really satisfying to sew items like this by hand. I get a lot done on the skirt when I travel because it is so easy to take along.

  2. Linda, I am so impressed. Hand Sewing! And embroidery and bead embellishments. It you tell me that you quilted and ” “trapuntoed” the skirt material I won’t know what to say!!! I have to find a master sewer badge for you!!

    • Thanks Alice. This has been an adventure. I may still add some embellishments to the shoulders and neckline of the shirt. I don’t want to do so much to it that I can’t just wear it any day though. I’m not sure where to draw the line. There are some photos in the Alabama Chanin book of white on white embroidery with a few beads here and there that I love the look of!

  3. Sharon Hankins

    Linda, I love the beautiful embroidery stitches you used! And the skirt will be stunning. You do such beautiful work.

  4. Must feel so good to wear something you put so much love into. It’s perfect !

    • Thanks Jessie. I know I’m going to love wearing this all the time. I had to disassemble the shirt I copied to make the pattern and I wore that all the time! This is a much nicer version. The organic cotton knit is SO wonderful.


  5. Gorgeous shirt and skirt, too! Love the little chop beads – found this googling V-neck Alabama Chanin because I was too lazy to pull my books out for the 5th time – thanks for giving me the page number!

  6. jen

    Linda! what an accomplishment. You seem to be very skilled at sewing and embroidery. I’m having a hard time starting…a little intimidated.

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