Felt Christmas Tree Ornaments

Felt Christmas Tree Ornament

Felt Christmas Tree Ornament

I signed up a month or more ago for the #trimthetree ornament swap on Flickr. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and looking for ideas, but I didn’t actually decide what to make until yesterday when I saw this photo by monda loves on Flickr:

Felt trees for honda loves

Felt trees from monda loves on Flickr

I had to buy some felt to use as the base because I didn’t have any at home. But I had a lot of trim!

Bits and pieces of trim

Bits and pieces of trim

I started with a 4 inch wide strip of felt and started adding strips of fabric. Once there was fabric strips all sewn down across the felt, I added other things like yarn and rick rack and ribbon.

Fabric sewn down

Fabric sewn down

Other trim added

Other trim added

I did a strip each of red and green.

I did a strip each of red and green.

Once I was happy with these, I used a triangular ruler to cut these pieces into triangles.

Cutting the strips into "trees".

Cutting the strips into “trees”

At first I thought I would sew them together with a red side and a green side and so I cut them lined up with one another this way. But then I decided to make them either red or green. So far, I only have the green ones done. They are double sided.

4 ornaments ready to swap

4 ornaments ready to swap

I had fun with the tree trunks too. I used parts of zippers and some wool and leather I had left over from this project.

I had these star beads that were perfect for the top.

These were a lot of fun to make and I think they are pretty cute. I hope my swap partners think so!


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11 responses to “Felt Christmas Tree Ornaments

  1. Sharon Hankins

    They are really cute! Looks like a fun use for stuff!

  2. These are so cute, Linda! I really should have signed up for this swap. But it would be fun to whip up a bunch of these just to keep; I think I just might!

    • I thought that I would use the extras to use as something pretty to hang on a gift. I suppose they could even be used as the gift tag if I didn’t make them double sided. That way I could write on the back side.

  3. Alice

    These are adorable. I have drawers full of stuff. I just need incentive.😊

  4. Connie

    Those are so cute. I’m sure your swap partner will love them…..

  5. Phyllis Holt

    This looks like a really fun and fast project. Just what I need this time of year!

  6. Sandy J. Selig

    I love them and think your swapping partners will too!!!

  7. Carolyn Slappey

    Love these! So cute.

  8. jenny

    what a wonderfull idea,im sure ill have fun making these with grandchildren

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